So I told you the story of the elephant on my garage. Now I want to further the story. I am loving combining photos and paintings. This photo of the painting I did of an inky elephant has been great for combining with other backgrounds. I did this piece in Tracy Verdugo's animalitos ecourse- an awesome course.
So I have combined this inky elephant with some different paint backgrounds, added some text and had some fun with that. But the image that turned out the best, to me, was this one of the giant inky elephant appearing in my now familiar backyard along with the painted garage elephant.
My brother made me laugh at his perfect comment when I posted this on my facebook page: "So it's like the ghost spirit elephant came off the wall and walked into your garden...dude..." I wanted this piece to convey a ghost like but real feeling. A real ghost. I think I succeeded. I also am struck by how I made this image... from planting the garden, to painting the garage wall, to taking a photo of it, to painting the elephant, to combining the images together. No one could have made this image but me. And that is super cool.
There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost.
- Martha Graham
I ended up trading the original ink elephant piece for a beautiful photo from the talented photographer Bill Mohr. His work can be seen at his website:
Sometimes I think how weird it is that my ghost elephant and many of the other pieces I've worked on exist only digitally. I have no hard copy of these, though I could print them. But it is kind of cool that they only exist in a cloud- it's another way this image is part real and part ghost.
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